cApStAn Founding Partner Steve Dept presenting at e-Assessment 2023 on how to mitigate bias in multilingual and monolingual assessments
cApStAn co-founder Steve Dept is delighted to have been invited to be a speaker at the International e-Assessment and Awards conference taking place in London June 6-7, 2023. His talk, titled “Meaning shifts, perception shifts – language as a component of inclusiveness”, is scheduled for Day 1 at 11:00 BST.
In multilingual or in monolingual settings, language is one of the defining factors of inclusiveness. In assessments, language-driven perception shifts and culture-driven perception shifts are known sources of bias.
Can technology be used to mitigate this?
Can best practices in item writing, test translation and adaptation minimise construct-irrelevant variance?
What do we know about language features that drive the psychometric characteristics of a test item?
In technology-based assessment, some features can be automated and others require human expertise.
This leads to complex, hybrid workflows, to content profiling, to specific training for item writers (or for prompt engineers).
How can this be navigated?
Stay tuned for full report after the conference!