Category Archives: cApStAn updates
cApStAn team just back from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) conference 2023 in Boston
Steve Dept, Founding Partner, and Devasmita Ghosh, Business Development Lead at cApStAn Linguistic Quality Control, are just back from Boston, USA, where they attended the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) conference 2023. This was an intense event packed with thought-provoking content. We see a shift from elation about the promises of AI and Large Language Models towards …
Read MoreATP “Innovations in Testing” 2023 Conference in Dallas, USA, March 12-15, 2023
cApStAn was a proud sponsor of the Annual ATP “Innovations in Testing” conference which took place March 12 to 15 in Dallas, USA. cApStAn was represented by the business development team, Devasmita Ghosh and Nela Manojlovic, as well as Musab Hayatli and Laura Wäyrynen from cApStAn’s US office. The conference provided a great opportunity, as …
“ATP “Innovations in Testing” 2023 Conference in Dallas, USA, March 12-15, 2023“
Read MoreOECD PISA 2025 National Project Managers’ meeting in Lisbon, 12-17 March 2023
cApStAn is the international contractor in charge of linguistic quality assurance in PISA 2025. This includes training participating countries/economies to follow a standardised translation and adaptation approach and using mature translation technology: cApStAn’s presence was prominent in Lisbon for the first PISA 2025 National Project Managers’ meeting from March 12 to 17, 2023. PISA 2025 …
“OECD PISA 2025 National Project Managers’ meeting in Lisbon, 12-17 March 2023“
Read MoreSteve Dept, cApStAn’s Founding Partner, at the ITC Council meeting, Granada, March 16-17, 2023
The ITC (International Test Commission) is committed to advancing and promoting good practice in assessment and measurement (in a testing context). The Association describes itself as an “Association of national psychological associations, test commissions, publishers and other organizations committed to promoting effective testing and assessment policies and to the proper development, evaluation and uses of …
“Steve Dept, cApStAn’s Founding Partner, at the ITC Council meeting, Granada, March 16-17, 2023”
Read MoreATP Innovations in Testing 2023 Conference is almost here and we are excited to meet you in Dallas soon!
Testing in diverse contexts requires adapting items into multiple languages with a focus on cross-cultural equivalence. Testing organizations are increasingly motivated to bring their solutions to new audiences, new regions and new cultures. If this is of interest to you and you are attending this conference, please visit us at exhibit booth #203 for a chat with our …
Read MoreA panel of experts at ATP 2023 will discuss key issues related to equity and fairness in tech-based assessments
The 2023 Association of Testing Publishers (ATP) Innovations in Testing conference will be held in-person on March 12-15 2023 in Dallas, Texas (USA). The assessment industry is evolving and testing professionals and assessment programs continue to adapt to new ways of learning and testing with the goal of improving outcome. The conference provides a unique …
Read MoreHow fair is it to deliver your exams only in English?
In the 21st century, “accessibility” often includes language, but translating a test into the strongest language of all test takers may not be realistic. Nevertheless, passing or failing a test should not depend on reading proficiency. Tests and exams are a gate for life chances and—unless being proficient in the language of the test is …
“How fair is it to deliver your exams only in English?”
Read MoreWalking at a Brisk Pace, by cApStAn’s co-founder Steve Dept
With the epic backdrop of geopolitical turmoil and environmental urgency, it may seem awkward to dwell on our minute successes. What with the barbaric invasion of Ukraine? What with the courageous revolt of the Iranian people in general and of Iranian women in particular? What about the denial of the right to education for Afghan …
“Walking at a Brisk Pace, by cApStAn’s co-founder Steve Dept “
Read MorecApStAn’s Steve Dept and Devasmita Ghosh reporting from the 75th WAPOR conference 2022 in Dubai, UAE
The World Association for Public Opinion Research, WAPOR, is an international professional association for survey research whose members recognise the centrality of public opinion in shaping and serving society. The 75th edition of WAPOR’s annual conference was held in Dubai, UAE, from November 10 to 13, 2022. Our founding partner Steve Dept contributed to one of …
Read MorecApStAn founding partner Steve Dept at WAPOR 2022 on how to focus on cross-cultural and cross-language comparability in survey questionnaires
The World Association for Public Opinion Research, WAPOR, is an international professional association for survey research whose members recognise the centrality of public opinion in shaping and serving society. The 75th edition of WAPOR’s annual conference was held in Dubai, UAE, from November 10 to 13, 2022. cApStAn’s founding partner and strategic partnerships director Steve Dept was …
Read MoreJust out: the new ITC/ATP guidelines on tech-based assessment. Proud to have been a part of this!
It has been a privilege for cApStAn to work on the test translation and adaptation section of the Guidelines for Technology-Based Assessment of the International Test Commission (ITC) and the Association of Test Publishers (ATP). Quoting cApStAn co-founder Steve Dept “this monumental resource was compiled, reviewed, carefully edited, discussed with some of the most knowledgeable experts in the field, is packed …
“Just out: the new ITC/ATP guidelines on tech-based assessment. Proud to have been a part of this!“
Read MorecApStAn joins forces with ACER and OAT to implement PISA 2025
For the 9th consecutive time, cApStAn will guide the translation and adaptation teams of all PISA participants in translating assessment instruments so that they remain comparable internationally. In this cycle, cApStAn will provide training and support to 90+ translation teams and ensure linguistic equivalence across 120+ locales (a locale is language-country combination). PISA 2025 is …
“cApStAn joins forces with ACER and OAT to implement PISA 2025“
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