by Anubhav Nathani

Putting into perspective the rearview mirrow, the sonar and the periscope | Steve Dept, Founding Partner

There is no shortage of C-Suite executives and founders who prompt generative AI to provide an optimistic outlook of the coming year. This exercise is typically associated with humble bragging (a frequent oxymoron) about achievements. So, is it anachronic to use a plain rearview mirror for hindsight, an old-fashioned sonar to sound depth, and a …

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psychometric tests
by savita.gauchan

Psychometric tests often have high stakes: how to address potential biases and other challenges when adapting them in multiple languages

Psychometric tests in technology-rich environments, adaptive psychological tests, social and emotional skills, and profiling tests have gone multinational, thereby increasing the need for translation and adaptation into multiple languages. Our twenty years of experience in test translation have resulted in a vast knowledge base of linguistic features known to drive or affect psychometric characteristics of …

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by Pisana Ferrari

“cApStAn at a scale”, Jan Denys, CEO, and Steve Dept, Founding Partner

No comparative surveys without comparable data Twenty-four years ago, cApStAn started developing, testing, fine-tuning and implementing methods to ensure comparability between different language versions of tests and questionnaires. That was our core activity and it still is. Tests and questionnaires are measurement instruments. They measure knowledge, skills, attitudes, trends, or opinions. They link data points …

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by Pisana Ferrari

“What it takes to build a boutique language solutions provider: a cApStAn founder nails it”

Founders of boutique language solution providers are often overrated and cApStAn is a case in point in this regard. I am Steve Dept, a linguist by training—though not a translator—and a polyglot, initially because my parents travelled a lot: before the end of secondary school, I had attended 14 schools in 4 different languages. While attending German …

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by Pisana Ferrari

The British Association for Business Psychology (BPA) Awards 2023 ceremomy, London, November 8, 2023

Each year since 2014, the British Association for Business Psychology (ABP) make a statement by celebrating some of the most striking success stories in the field, with a special focus on industrial/organisation impact of applied psychology. Both individuals and organisations submitted their case studies, research, findings, and innovations to a diverse panel of ten eminent …

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by Pisana Ferrari

“Navigating the Frontiers of DEI and AI: Insights from cApStAn’s 2023 I.C.E. Exchange Experience”

One of cApStAn’s teams is just back from Colorado Springs, USA, where they attended the 2023 Institute for Credentialing Excellence (I.C.E.) Exchange. Devasmita Ghosh (Business Development and Marketing Lead), Nela Manojlovic (Project Manager) and Founding Partner Steve Dept spent a full week there. One needs to begin with the venue. The Broadmoor is a mythical …

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by Pisana Ferrari

I.C.E. Exchange coming up soon! Visit us at booth #229

If you are attending the I.C.E. Exchange 2023 in Colorado Springs, USA, we shall be delighted to welcome you at our booth (# 229) for a chat with cApStAn Founding Partner and Head of Strategic Partnerships Steve Dept, Business Development and Marketing Lead Devasmita Ghosh, and Project Manager Nela Manojlovic. For over two decades, cApStAn has been involved in translation …

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by Pisana Ferrari

cApStAn LQC Founding Partner Steve Dept and cApStAn Inc Managing Director Musab Hayatli at ESRA Conference in July

cApStAn Founding Partner Steve Dept, from the company’s headquarters in Belgium, and Musab Hayatli, Managing Director of cApStAn Inc, USA are just back from the Biennial ESRA Conference in Milan (July 17-21, 2023) where they were both presenters. As Steve comments: “An impressive conference venue on the Bicocca university campus, insightful sessions, great connections made. …

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by Pisana Ferrari

Multilingual Skills Assessment Translation Series, Episode 5: Disentangling Proficiency in required Skills from Proficiency in Language

This is the 5th and final issue in our “Multilingual Skills Assessment Translation series”. The primary objective of this series is to provide a comprehensive illustration of the complexities inherent in test translation. By doing so, we aim to underscore the immense value derived from establishing a robust linguistic quality assurance design. This episode takes a closer look …

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by Pisana Ferrari

Reflections from the e-Assessment Association (eAA) Conference: Insights, Connections, and New Perspectives

The 2023 edition of the e-Assessment Association Conference, which took place in London, June 6-7, offered valuable insights, connections, and fresh perspectives to industry professionals, encouraging collaboration and knowledge exchange. It covered a broad range of topics, including language bias in AI and inclusive assessment practices, exam security enhancements, innovative test design, guidelines for validity …

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by Pisana Ferrari

Multilingual Skills Assessment Translation series, part 4: Maximising fairness, reliability, and validity in multilingual tests after translation

This is the 4th issue in our “Multilingual Skills Assessment Translation series”. The primary objective of this series is to provide a comprehensive illustration of the complexities inherent in test translation. By doing so, we aim to underscore the immense value derived from establishing a robust linguistic quality assurance design. This episode takes a closer …

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by Pisana Ferrari

Multilingual Skills Assessment Translation Series, Episode 3: Empowering Translators with Translation Technology and Support

Welcome to the third episode of our “Multilingual Skills Assessment Translation Series”. The primary objective of this series is to provide a comprehensive illustration of the complexities inherent in test translation. By doing so, we aim to underscore the immense value derived from establishing a robust linguistic quality assurance design. In this episode our translation …

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