Steve Dept, cApStAn’s Founding Partner, at the ITC Council meeting, Granada, March 16-17, 2023
The ITC (International Test Commission) is committed to advancing and promoting good practice in assessment and measurement (in a testing context). The Association describes itself as an “Association of national psychological associations, test commissions, publishers and other organizations committed to promoting effective testing and assessment policies and to the proper development, evaluation and uses of educational and psychological instruments”.
The ITC Guidelines for Translating and Adapting Tests have underpinned cApStAn’s holistic approach to localizing assessments, and we have attended ITC conferences since 2006. So it was a great honour for cApStAn’s founding partner Steve Dept to be co-opted as a member of the ITC Council.
After a series of virtual meetings, the ITC Council met in person in Granada on March 16 and 17 2023 to reinforce momentum, to discuss the President’s vision for the Association, its mission and priorities. At the same time, it was an opportunity for the Council to take stock of the progress made in preparing the next ITC Conference, which will take place in Granada in July 2024 (from July 2nd to July 5th, save the date!). Our genial hosts, Isabel Benitez Baena, Luis Manuel Lozano, and Jose-Luis Padilla from the University of Granada, arranged accommodation in a picturesque university residence for visiting professors and researchers, Carmen de la Victoria, in the Albayzín district. We worked in the library of the residence and the interaction was intensive, constructive and very well channelled by the President of the ITC, Prof. Stephen G. Sireci. The different committees reported on their respective activities, achievements and needs. Outreach and dissemination emerged as priorities, and proposals to update a subset of the ITC Guidelines were discussed.
Two productive days from which we all emerged more energised than ever, eager to set the ITC up for continued success in fostering good practice in testing.