Steve Dept, Founding Partner of cApStAn LQC, co-opted to serve a 4-year term on the ITC Council
At the International Test Commission’s (ITC) biennial conference, in Granada, ITC President-Elect Kadriye Ercikan (She/her/hers) will pick up the baton from President Stephen G. Sireci. cApStAn’s Founder Steve Dept (he/him/his) was just co-opted to serve a four-year term on the ITC Council. Steve looks forward to working with his peers, researchers and practitioners alike, to disseminate the ITC’s guidelines and other resources and to contribute to the promotion of good practice in testing, measurement, and assessment, with a special focus on ethical use of AI. This year’s at ITC conference theme is “Working together to improve cross-cultural assessment and research”!
The ITC, founded in 1976, is a global organisation that aims to ensure the highest standards of quality, fairness, and equity in testing. It serves as an international forum for the exchange of information and ideas related to both educational and psychological testing and organises international conferences and events, bringing together experts and professionals to discuss the latest developments, challenges, and advances in the field. It is a crucbile where exchanging knowledge leads to initiatives, where cross-pollination results in collaborative projects. Members of the cApStAn team have attended all ITC conferences since 2006, and our Founding Partner Steve Dept, has played a key role in developing the “Translation and Adaptation” chapter of the 2023 ITC/ATP Guidelines for Technology-Based Assessment.
See also our article titled “Introducing the Translation and Adaptation Chapter of the ITC/ATP Guidelines for Technology-Based Assessment”