The PISA 2022 results are out! cApStAn is proud to have been a part of this important scientific endeavour
December 5 2023 marked the official launch of the PISA 2022 results. PISA is world’s most significant international large-scale education assessment. These results inform education policies and stakeholders across the globe. They allow benchmarking of education systems and enable participants to look at effective teaching practices. They also help identify investments in education that yield the highest returns in terms of performance and equity.
On this date cApStAn Founding Partner Steve Dept had the great honour of being invited to participate in the official launch event in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, where he described the collaborative effort deployed in PISA to maximise cross-language comparability. Steve extended his warmest thanks to the National Research Institute named after A. Avloni of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education of Uzbekistan and, in particular, Dr Abduvali Ismailov and his team for the invitation — and for the fruitful collaboration and their dedication to meeting the PISA standards.
The cApStAn Linguistic Quality Control team is incredibly proud to have set up translation teams for success in over 80 countries and economies and to be part of this scientific endeavour.