“Unlocking the Potential of Assessments”: a podcast series to share insights and best practices
by Pisana Ferrari – cApStAn Ambassador to the Global Village
End 2019, Questionmark, industry leader in assessment management software, launched a monthly podcast series called “Unlocking the Potential of Assessments.” This monthly series is hosted by Founder and Executive Director John Kleeman and shares insights on good practice in designing, administering and interpreting assessments. Our own CEO Steve Dept had the privilege (and the great pleasure) of being interviewed by John Kleeman for the 3rd episode: he was asked to zoom in on good practice in assessment translation and adaptation, including upfront linguistic quality assurance work. You can listen to the podcast at this link.
Linguistic Quality Assurance is a set of processes designed to ensure that multiple language versions of a document will meet the highest standards of linguistic, cultural and functional equivalence. Find out more about cApStAn’s linguistic quality assurance work @ https://bit.ly/2NTBvUU
Questionmark provides online assessment tools and professional services to help organizations and their people improve their performance and safely meet their compliance requirements. Read more about them @ https://www.questionmark.com/about/
Photo: Screenshot from the Questionmark podcast series